Waypoint 8

The gate opposite was the entry to Judy’s Cottage.
Judy Woods
Judy Woods take their name from Judy North (1793 to 1870), a well-known character who sold ginger beer and parkin pigs to visitors to Horse Close Bridge (also known as Judy Brig). She was the second wife of Joseph North whose family had lived in some cottages, now demolished, in the field above the bridge since at least the 1780’s. The family had originally been weavers but later opened their garden to the public and by the 1850/60’s these were a favourite place for enjoyment by local people.

Archaeological Survey
The 2005 archaeological survey by the University of Bradford revealed details of Judy’s Cottage and Market Garden layout.
Site of Cottage
(based on1854 O.S.) -
Visitors enjoying Judy’s Lemonade and Gingerbread -
The Gate to Judy’s Cottage